Sunday 28 February 2016
04:48 0

Night martial sports this year 11 participants

Hall: Committee Sports Mixed Martial Arts (Cambodian Martial Arts Games Committee) and the Committee of the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia (NOCC) will organize a performance collected in 11 sports categories participating in Friday night, February 26, 2016, at the ground floor NOCC in Phnom Penh.

This performance will be held under the chairmanship of Gen. Nem Sovath General Political Department of Foreign Affairs and National Defense and Chairman of the Committee Sports and Martial NOCC Secretary General Vath Chamroeun.

Thin Fine Wrestling Federation secretary general and a program coordinator match this performance, said: 'This is the first martial Night 2, and as we celebrate again in 2014. 2016, we have 11 sports is sports bokator Hapkido taekwondo marathon Gilchrist and Simon karate Kenny Aikido Costa Pentagon Bora Sila wushu and Vovinam.

For purposes of this martial Night Mr. Fine said: 'To encourage players and talented athletes martial chance extraordinary abilities in the competition, performing martial respectively. 2, to strengthen solidarity, friendship and harmony within the family martial arts activities in the country. 3 to show harmonization the National society of single-martial in the country.

Gen. Nem Sovath, who heads the organizing committee, said: regulation of the game, and the judges scores were examined and evaluation of accurate, transparent, fair. the judge is set 7 principles such as discipline during combat feel unsettled dynamic clothing appropriate the most diverse special or unique technical and not stutter in the tournament.

He added: 'The judges scores were selected from martial Teachers Federation, but points that provide the highest and lowest cut is only 3 judges score medium level, total points combined averaged only once.

Vath Chamroeun, technical manager, said: 'We have to put the competition in each sport 1 6 disciplines are unarmed combat performance in groups of 2 to 10 people within 5 minutes. 2 performing combat arms group of 2 to 10 people 5 minutes. 3 performing combat techniques Individual Weapon 3 minutes. 4 performance battle Technical weapon 3 minutes. 5 performance technical team unarmed 3 minutes and 6 arms technical performance is 3 minutes. The program is sponsored the amount by Dunham safety Sorn Rath health and Seng


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